Introducing: The Learfield IMG College Ticket Solutions Diversity & Inclusion Committee

We would like to introduce the Diversity and Inclusion Committee and touch on some of our key initiatives and plans for the future.

Mission Statement: The Learfield IMG College Ticket Sales and Solutions Diversity Committee will serve to assist General Managers and the leadership team in the recruiting, hiring, retention and management of underrepresented groups.

With the understanding that organizations who employ individuals with a variety of different characteristics, such as age, gender, sexual orientation, race ethnicity, religion, political views, cultural background, etc. are more successful as a whole, we’ve set goals to increase the workplace diversity of Learfield IMG College Ticket Sales and Solutions.


  1. Build diversity
    • Make the recruiting process more inclusive and appealing to people with different characteristics
  2. Promote diversity
    • In order to make our workplace truly inclusive, we are constantly work on managing diversity and continuously promote our diversity efforts, both internally and externally
  3.  Manage diversity
    • Make the workplace truly inclusive – constantly working to manage diversity and continuously promote our diversity efforts, both internally and externally

We are working on several projects internally to achieve our goals, but additionally we will take guidance and resources from the Learfield IMG College Diversity & Inclusion Committee, led by Kristine Schroeder.