Through “Seats for Soldiers,” fans purchase tickets to a Military Appreciation game. The seats are then donated to active or retired military members. This year, 22 schools participated – double last year’s number – donating more than 21,000 tickets. Many service members and veterans receiving free tickets had previously never attended a college football game.
This note from an Air Force veteran was like hundreds of others sent from thankful military members: “It was very special for me and my family to be able to attend such a high-profile event and to see the fellow veterans at the game enjoying themselves. It really touched my spirit and made me proud of the fact that someone took the time to think of us. I am truly proud to be a U.S. veteran. May God continue to bless you and the United States of America!”
Here’s how a national sports blog covered the news:
The Most Loyal of Fans; The Military, Start To Get Their Due… | Sports Marketing & PR Roundup